Well-Known Member
Good idea ?Ever since I got my JLU, I've been trying to figure out a mounting solution to carry my 30" long Cold Steel Spetsnaz Trench Shovel (the longer one, they don't sell a matching sheath like the small version).
At the beginning, I secured it to the top of the sport cage using two bull straps from Bartact. It works but hard to reach and remount. I also don't want to get the law enforcement officer's attention after I take the top off during summer. Another reason is for safety because I can't find a matching sheath to cover the sharp edges.
Later I bought the Fishbone Offroad Tub Rail Tie Downs for the trunk, and started thinking about mounting the shovel on the side with reusable zip ties. It works.
Recently I came across this beautiful leather sheath made for this Cold Steel long/bigger shovel, I was so happy. And also bought a pair of NRS micro straps rather than using reusable zip ties.