I have the LED lighting. No BLIS. After washing the Jeep today, I noticed condensation inside the passenger side tail light. Anyone else have this happen?
Any pictures? Inside, inside? Or inside around the perimeter? Condensation around the perimeter is normal since it isn't sealed, however if it was in, say the reverse light area, then that isn't good. If the taillight was 100F and you blasted it with 60F water, that can cause condensation too.
I just took some pictures. There was fog in the reverse light area. It really isn’t showing now in the pictures. Only the perimeter shows up in the pictures
That's inside past where the plastic mold is around the perimeter but I don't see any standing water. I think you're fine but keep an eye on it, I bet it was from the drastic temperature change (which would happen to any light assembly) when you hit it with cold water.
Well today was in the high 80’s all day. I drove the Jeep around for a few hours, then put it in the garage for a few hours. I opened the garage door and noticed some small condensation again. Then I noticed the light is out. Time to visit the service dept.