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  1. Steering Upgrades when going to 37s?

    I’m running synergy’s hd drag link and factory tie rod. With a Jks track bars
  2. Tax time, need ball joint install pricing in the SoCal area

    I was shocked too. But I went in and talked with the owner for a bit and worked him down. I was glad they were just up front. Was gonna have him do the truss but they wanted anothe 800 to do that: I laughed and told him I’d have my shop welder do it instead. lol not that I have had time to pull...
  3. Tax time, need ball joint install pricing in the SoCal area

    Made out like a bandit. Got Yukon gears for 60% off for the master install kit. And the ball joints were the pricey parts but well worth it.
  4. Tax time, need ball joint install pricing in the SoCal area

    Went to brothers off road in Montclair.
  5. 3.6 oil seeping on front passages sensor?

    Might want to try a little electrical cleaner under it. It’s just stuck. I ended up cracking the tab but it came off. With a little more persuasion than expected
  6. Tax time, need ball joint install pricing in the SoCal area

    I’ll have to check my receipt pile but I did gears and ball joints for 1100 in labor if I remember correctly ( I provided all parts
  7. Rubicon Jamboree - Aug 1-3, 2025

    Room booked for the trip! Can’t wait
  8. Wrangler JL Hood Locks

    This. I can’t say enough about the boot hood lock.
  9. BUMPERS in California

    lol, they don’t do anything with bumpers. Or license plates. Hell 1/4 the cars out there don’t have insurance or registration. Get what you want and enjoy it. Just know that it’s something that can give an officer probable cause to pull you over. So don’t drink and drive
  10. Missing Odometer and clutch message

    Most members have done it them selves. There is quite a few threads on the canbus connector failures
  11. Missing Odometer and clutch message

    Sounds like the green connector failed in the glove box. It’s part of the canbus system
  12. Rubicon Jamboree - Aug 1-3, 2025

    But it looks so good! How was dropping the tank?
  13. Rubicon Jamboree - Aug 1-3, 2025

    thanks i was looking into the pollock area. should have my room booked this weekend
  14. Rubicon Jamboree - Aug 1-3, 2025

    yea, gave Jerry a call and chatted with him about it. Im gonna take a look at placer and one other spot to stay. figured i can roll in Thursday mid day and check in for the trail ride then head down to placer or somewhere along the 50 headed towards the trail. less driving in the morning the better
  15. Rubicon Jamboree - Aug 1-3, 2025

    thanks for the reminder! Any specific reason why you’re staying in placerville and not Georgetown?
  16. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    nah, ive been in the windshield thread for ever with my fingers crossed. Thus i do expect it to happen in the near future..
  17. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    5 years and counting in the elite club of original windshield
  18. Mod regrets? Have you ever over built?

    I’ve kept my mods rather simple. I agree you can get to far into it. I have a simple lift 3.5” and 37’s with the correct gearing for the tire size. I plan on keeping the 3.6L stock forever.
  19. Icon Recon Pro or Method 703 Bead Grip

    Bead grip at the way
