I was shocked too. But I went in and talked with the owner for a bit and worked him down. I was glad they were just up front. Was gonna have him do the truss but they wanted anothe 800 to do that: I laughed and told him I’d have my shop welder do it instead. lol not that I have had time to pull...
Might want to try a little electrical cleaner under it. It’s just stuck. I ended up cracking the tab but it came off. With a little more persuasion than expected
lol, they don’t do anything with bumpers. Or license plates. Hell 1/4 the cars out there don’t have insurance or registration. Get what you want and enjoy it. Just know that it’s something that can give an officer probable cause to pull you over. So don’t drink and drive
yea, gave Jerry a call and chatted with him about it. Im gonna take a look at placer and one other spot to stay. figured i can roll in Thursday mid day and check in for the trail ride then head down to placer or somewhere along the 50 headed towards the trail. less driving in the morning the better
I’ve kept my mods rather simple. I agree you can get to far into it. I have a simple lift 3.5” and 37’s with the correct gearing for the tire size. I plan on keeping the 3.6L stock forever.