On my totaled 21, I had the Warn isolator kit. On the 23, It’s direct wire as I been a little lazy. Rolling the dice and I would prefer not to limp away again anyways…
Back when I was an authorized installer, I had leather samples from them with every color. I would suggest reaching out to a installer.
Not to highjack the thread, but the quality is good and the airbags will still work as designed.
My Jeep got rained on pretty good with the doors and top off today. I took the long way home and let it dry out. Hour later it was pretty dry and I didn’t wipe up anything except for the cup holders. I’ll let it sit out in the sun tomorrow, hopefully it doesn’t rain again…
I have leather seats...
Has anyone found any touch up paint that matches pretty well? I scratched the inside of my door jam when putting my doors back on and would like to touch it up.
This lift is really designed around a 4 door and putting it on a lighter 2 door will be a little more harsh and gain way more then 2.5” of lift. I have the Stage 7 on my 23 2 door, but wouldn’t say it’s rough in my opinion. The downside with this kit and your Stage 4, is the front lower control...