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  1. Would you get a 4xe again if you could go back in time and do it over again?

    Yup, but opinions are a lot like a**holes. We all know everybody has one, but some people just can't stop themselves from trying to shove theirs in everyones face.
  2. 4xe Recall Fix Available - Call Your Dealer Today

    Is it FORM if it's too cold, or a more generic "electric unavailable" situation due to the temperature and unrelated to the fuel and oil?
  3. Door pocket replacement.

    Sounds like it serves two important functions *adds to cart*
  4. Flips next Mod

    Look over the parts some time, you might not even need to do much cutting. I'm pretty sure where you indicated is actually 2 pieces that screw together.
  5. Flips next Mod

    I was tempted to add one to mine, but it's a lease so I didn't feel like having yet one more mod to undo in not too long. If I end up buying out my lease, this will likely be something I add in short order.
  6. Flips next Mod

    RR even has one like that; should be a lot easier to make work with the rest of their product: https://ruggedridge.com/p/rugged-ridge-snorkel-pre-filter/v/jeep/wrangler-jl/2023/
  7. Flips next Mod

    If you want to practice and potentially have spare parts, you can test the build using this cheap knockoff: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DB7YFX2B
  8. Flips next Mod

    If you have/get the taller snorkel parts for the RR, couldn't you make a plate that mounts to the upwards-facing cowl vent? If so, then you could cut a hole in the middle of said plate to mount a circular snorkel pre-filter or something similar if the mushroom is no longer available.
  9. Is it possible to run zero psi in tires?

    I'd assume something like this?
  10. I found an easy way to get to your aux battery. But I don’t recommend it

    Yup. In my experience, quick disassembly usually means prolonged reassembly
  11. Mods from China!! [** ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS **]

    My exact sentiments towards ole @Tredsy
  12. 2 door or 4 door?

    Unless you've ever tried to sleep in it
  13. 2 door or 4 door?

    I think the 2 door looks better, but the 4 door is more functional. It has a decently sized cargo section, with additional quick-access storage via convenient rear side doors. Both wheelbases have their advantages & disadvantages, so it ultimately comes down to what you need it for. Which I...
  14. IFS Wrangler

    Thank you for saving Alamo komemorative memorialz. duh.
  15. IFS Wrangler

    I mean, I did post the correct answer earlier, and I don't like repeating myself. Feel free to check my post history to prove my lying backside wrong.
  16. IFS Wrangler

    Indy film studios. they're absolutely terrible with jeeps
  17. IFS Wrangler

    Damnit john, you scared away my fun for tonight. Who else am I supposed to argue with if this boy's scared, treds is clearly passed out for the holidays, and 2nd392 is probably busy doing burnouts? give a brother a break, man. I'd tag them, but it's more fun for them to stumble upon my...
  18. IFS Wrangler

    There are easier ways to say "plz don't believe me cause I'll only shitpost". Ask Tredsy if you need help. Everclear may be required, and you should know that shit is only for the true degenerates on this forum.
  19. IFS Wrangler

    Sorry, you must have misspoke in order for me to quote you making such a contrary claim to what claims you claimed that you claimed.
