Purolator = Mann+Hummel. They had a serious run of bad non-Boss Purolator filters a few years ago (tearing media at low mileage). I may go grab one of each--I think AAP sells them near me.
I have never seen that in practice--look at the FRAM Endurance versus the SuperTech. It is clear the SuperTech has more surface area and media--but the FRAM wins on efficiency.
It's all about the media efficiency...
Yep; I have seen those and they are of visual value, but the ISO 4548-12 test results are the most telling.
You could have 25% more media in a filter, but if its ISO 4548-12 rating is 90% @ 30 microns, that does not outperform a filter with a rating of 99% @ 20 microns despite having less...
Buy one of these and send in a sample. Blackstone uses a highly subjective flame test that is not accurate.
Polaris uses gas chromatography and is the most accurate test out there.
The Endurance is just as good at a much cheaper cost. The Amsoil filter is more than the K&N and you have to pay shipping on top of that. I'm not saying it's a bad filter, just too expensive for what you are getting when others are just as good.
The 2.0T is a direct injection engine and is prone to fuel dilution. Have you performed a used oil analysis to find out what the dilution percentage actually is?
You will have to find a lab like Polaris that uses gas chromatography as the test method. Blackstone does not use it and their...
A few things to note:
1. A typical UOA will only detect particle sizes between 5 and 10 microns. Particles which are smaller or larger than this will be invisible to a UOA unless a specific particle test is ordered. This means that something could be happening in the engine related to wear that...
Oh, I have. From 2010 until 2015 (when I switched to Polaris) I used Blackstone for a total of 52 tests for various vehicles and 5 of them had issues--twice they swapped my sample with someone else's, once they spilled the sample, and twice they applied the wrong test. So about at 10% failure...
You really need to stop making such broad condemning statements with ZERO data to back it up. I have never used HPL and have no intention of doing so, but a company does not stay in business for 10+ years doing what you are stating they do with no proof other than your opinion and a single VOA...
@NWJeepr - I went through my notes and did another extensive search and could not find the source that I had located previously. I updated the sheet and post to indicate unknown for the Mopar efficiency rating. With that said, in my experience (such that it is), most OEM filters do not come...
LOL - only their entire business if they produce an inferior product. The marketplace has a way of self-correcting for poor quality and false claims. It is highly doubtful that HPL has operated in that manner for over a decade as they were formed in 2012. The big names you mentioned would have...