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  1. Soft top install after not locking when removed

    Watched a video for installing the top with an aftermarket luggage cover. The video explained that the cover made it impossible to lock the mechanism. The roof would not go far enough back to engage the lock. They explained all you have to do to reinstall without the mechanism being locked is...
  2. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

  3. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Got almost all the residue off the back window. I can still see the outline of the sticker but it is much better now.
  4. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Roswell. Come see the aliens.
  5. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Still available.
  6. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Bump. Come to Roswell and see the aliens!
  7. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Will take $700
  8. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Spring is coming. Still available. Make an offer.
  9. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Still available
  10. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    The kit is a little under $200. Couple hours to install because nothing wanted to cooperate. Then program with the JScan I already had. Maybe another ten minutes to reprogram. I could do it quicker now.
  11. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    After two months of waiting for the parts, added proximity lock to driverā€™s door. No more reaching in to pocket to press the unlock button and accidentally pressing the alarm button.
  12. New Mexico Mopar Soft Top JLU

    Gently used Mopar soft top. $850 plus your roll bar covers. Rear window had a Breast Cancer awareness ribbon and some adhesive is still on the window. Pretty sure it would come off with a little elbow grease. Never bothered me enough to try. Never leaked on me. Of course I live in the desert...
  13. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    Installed TPMS sensors in the tires and rims that didnā€™t have them. Used a farm jack to break the bead. The first set I bought off EBay that clearly said they would work with a ā€˜22Wrangler did not work The second set synced up in about a mile. Donā€™t want to have to do that again But it is...
  14. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

  15. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    Got both from Extreme Terrain. The bumper was an open box The license bracket was around $35 bucks. Had to drill two holes in it to fit the plate. I guess the bracket was designed for Australian cars and the hole spacing on the plates are different. Donā€™t have an exact link but search Extreme...
  16. Military/Veteran Theme Jeep Action!!!

    Your dad was in Desert Storm. Now youā€™re just making me feel old.
  17. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    New Red Rock bumper and license relocation kit.
  18. Military/Veteran Theme Jeep Action!!!

    Yes. Proper Navy etiquette is all ship names are spelled with caps. So HALEAKALA. Not picking on you. Just trying to help everyone. I was on the HALEAKALA for Desert Storm. Since I bought a grey Jeep it just seemed natural to do a Navy theme. Anyway points for figuring it out.
  19. Military/Veteran Theme Jeep Action!!!

    If if you can figure out the hull number you will know the name of me Jeep
  20. What did you do TO your Jeep JL today?

    Made some sleeves for the sun visors. Covers the ugly stickers and doubles as a place to store proof of insurance and registration.
