it happened with a 5 tire rotation. The 2 tires it does recognize are in their previous positions also. I will swing by discount tire see if they can see them with a sensor.
Mine is still confused. Thinks drivers front is rear and vice versa, after another rotation doesn’t even see any of the passenger side tires. I removed the spare, reset pressure limit with tazer, turned it on and off. Lowered all tires below threshold. No idea what to annoying.
Did you ever get this fixed? I have the same issue, sometimes it picks up the spare instead of the rotating tire. Issue seems to be somewhat tempature senstive, when it is warm it seems to happen less, but usually it is reading the wrong tire.
Any known fixes yet for this or is everone just retstarting the jeep like me and hoping it stays away for a while?
funny this is it seems to not matter which engine, I have the original v6 from 2018. I am going to remove my superchips add on board and hope that fixes it.
Mine started working less intermittently when the temperature got above 85.. no idea. My theory with no evidence is back spacing/distance and battery level on sensors
Do have stock wheels? I have been wondering if between lift and less back spacing if it’s just too far. When I slam on the brakes and get lots of weight transfer, mine reads for a little while.
My opinion the rear is more the issue. If you run a lot of weight in rear, with RK I had to go an inch higher in rear than in front. I didn’t see any material difference with time other than making my jeep and me fatter.
Any new info on this? My passenger front and rear get mixed up on occasion and rarely do they both read. I using DV8 wheels with 4" (i think back spacing).
I rotated the tires and same result, the one that wasn't reading is now the spare and the same issue is occurring.
If I get...
I have been chasing a similar issue, where originally the passenger rear tire would not read, then it moved without changing tire positions to the front passenger tire. I rotated the tires, and the not reading one stayed at the front, then it moved to the rear. I am not sure how to fix this...
I think it’s a good quality kit. You need to innovate or contact BL jeep for a mount for use with after market tie rods, and I have a little interference with mine. The stock steering got so terrible, psc was a stellar upgrade for me.
I captured it one or two of the bottles I filled it from. Unscrew it from the ram and drain it into the bottles until it stops, then unconnected from box.
you can get the fluid on Amazon. I would carry a quart or 2 and save the plugs in case something goes wrong on the trail, experience there...